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Sheffield Short Story Competition 2020




This year, being a bit of an odd one (!!) - what with Off the Shelf having to go online, and  all the other rubbish happening in the world - we're not running our usual short story competition. Instead we'll be helping out with the one being run by Sheffield Libraries . It is open to anyone over 16, who lives or works in the city. The theme is a story with a true Sheffield flavour and a real sense of place. This year there is a special category: The Magic Pen Competition  - this is for people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities. We're chuffed to be teaming up with Henderson Relish again too - it's such a part of all our stories!ENTRIES NOW CLOSED - see below.

Sheffield in Short Fiction: A Celebration Evening

The shortlist is done. We'll be announcing the winners and will be reading some out at an online event on:  THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020 AT 7:30 PM

Get your ticket here:


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