Peter Jalowiczor
Peter Jalowiczor is Rotherham born and bred and is an amateur astronomer (astrophysicist) primarily known for co-discovering four exoplanets - at home using data released to the public by the University of California's Lick-Carnegie Planet Search Team (2011). He is a postgraduate from the University of Sheffield where he did research in Astrophysics on the delta-effect of comets. (He's even got a Wikipedia entry)
Peter is currently working on two separate projects outside work: one in Astrophysics looking for Brown Dwarfs (the missing link between Planets and Stars). Having published an expanded version of Forgotten Heroes he has found another area in writing by contributing to research publications through collaborating with leading international Astrophysicists.

The Polish Millers - is the real-life success story surrounding the creation of a non-league football club in a Polish highland village bearing the Millers name and playing in Rotherham United strip.
Postcards from Millmoor (2012) is the story behind Rotherham United's former home - viewed from many different angles.

Forgotten Heroes (2014) is a collection of stories of Polish WWII veterans who settled in Rotherham after the war, and the story how the community developed in the following decades. A society developed out of the book, which now meets once a month.

Of the 160,ooo plus Poles who came to Britian during the Second World War to continue the fight agianst th Nazis, over 300 settled in Rotherham. This second volume tells their story. Did you know for example that Rotherham people sponsored a Spitfire flown by a Polish pilot? Or that one of the Rotherham veterans had worked as Oscar Schindler's office boy? This is a carefully researched and authoritative work of interest beyond just the Polish community.