Brian Sellars
Brian lives away from Sheffield, though was born and brought up in the city. Nowadays he can be found in exile, in and around Bath "strutting about wearing a bright red Sheffield FC shirt, hoping the locals will ask me about the world’s oldest football club so that I can brag about it. However, I’m beginning to notice this makes people run away."
His child detective stories, Tuppenny Hat detective and Dance Floor Drowning are set in his childhood Sheffield of the 1950s and are reminiscent of Emil and the Detectives crossed with Just William. They are nostalgic, funny stories written for teenagers and adults. The third and final book in the trilogy, Mother Goose Murders, is now out on Kindle (paperback to follow).
Brian's first historical novel, The Whispering Bell, is an adult novel set in the Peak District in the 7th century Anglo Saxon settlement period. He is currently working on a sequel to The Whispering Bell: due in 2016.
TIme Rocks is written for both teenage and adult readers. It reaches back in time even further. This Stonehenge based time travel fantasy thriller is set in the Neolithic, the present day, and the future in the third millennium.
You can read an interview with Brian here: interview
For more about Brian's writing and to hear him read his “Sheffieldeeze” audio poems have a look at his website. He says he is most certainly not a poet, but that they are intended to be amusing. (They are that, Brian.)

Brian in the olden days